Broad experience

Lucumbus bv has more than 20 years of experience and focuses

  • on those producers who need solid sales support, especially in the Benelux, and preferably in the food sector.
  • Our services are situated in the areas of 'after-sales service', 'logistics', 'administrative and/or commercial support', 'analysis' and 'prospecting'.
  • The management of Lucumbus bv and its employees have a thorough knowledge of the food sector and often look back on years of experience at management level at one of the leading companies within the Belgian or international food sector. As a result, they know the problems of both commercial, Logistical and production-technical aspects of international business. They can also often fall back on their own networks.
  • The collaboration takes place in complete transparency, which means that both the suppliers or the producer and the end customer fully know each other, and the communication takes place in all openness with integral reporting, whether or not translated into the language of the producer.


Support only to the extent necessary 

Lucumbus bv arose from the need of foreign producers to maintain contact with the Belgian Retail and Food (service) Sector in an easy and simple way, in a language they understood, and according to their own sales processes and channels, without having to set up complex or expensive decentralized structures in the country of sale


Fast and Profesional

Lucumbus bv primarily works as a 'back-office' with the look and feel of the producer, fully integrated and often even with e-mail addresses owned by the client, depending on the wishes of the supplier and the circumstances. Lucumbus records all questions and comments and subsequently resolves them quickly and expertly, in accordance with the procedures of the sales organization she represents. Depending on the subjects, she consults in advance with the producer, who is often located abroad. Communication takes place with all parties in complete transparency, whereby both the producer and the customer know each other directly and can intervene if desired. 


Decentralized Sales Team

Lucumbus bv operate like an own and internally decentralized sales team with the exception that its services are limited to the scope of the activities and their necessity. So no heavy structures with high fixed costs! An advantage for all parties. The end customer has a permanent and professional contact point with the supplier whereas the Producer has an excellent 'after-sales service', which he can organize and manage in a his own way using his own languages or systems, and this at a very acceptable cost price, based on the consumption of the services..


Prospection and Analysis

Thanks to its many years of experience in food distribution and food service in the Benelux, Lucumbus bv has a solid network and thus provides valuable support to the producer in the positioning of new products or the analysis of an already established range. Due to the high professional competence of its employees, Lucumbus bv can also provide meaningful support in making important strategic decisions.


Interim management

Lucumbus bv has within its team people with extensive business experience. Thanks to this experience and knowledge Lucumbus bv  can also provide interim-management services, for the short or long term, full-time or part-time.



Our support options are diverse, depending on the needs and desires of the client, we can provide, among other things:

  • the organization of a 'back office'
  • the crew of a local sales team
  • the analysis of the market or sector
  • the analysis of your existing or established range
  • the support or follow-up of your local employees
  • setting up your own sales team or local representation
  • all kinds of interim management
  • ...



Interested? Request information without obligation or contact us. We will set up a conference call with you as soon as possible or visit you with one of our employees for a further introduction. We are happy to put you in touch with existing customers or provide you with the necessary references. Contact us at